June 11, 2019 – Hack Naked News #222

    This week, a botnet that’s targeting 1.5 million RDP servers worldwide, VLC Player gets patched for two highly severe bugs, thousands of images stolen from US border hack, Troy Hunt looks to sell I Been Pwnd, and a near-ubiquitous critical Mi… Continue reading June 11, 2019 – Hack Naked News #222

Have I Been Pwned enlists KPMG to find a buyer

As the mergers and acquisitions activity in the cybersecurity industry continues at a feverish pace, one of its more consumer-friendly brands — the breach-notification database Have I Been Pwned — is hoping for a new home. Have I Been Pwned, a website where visitors can check if their email address has been compromised, is exploring a sale, founder Troy Hunt revealed in a blog post Tuesday. Since its debut in 2013 the site has won praise as a uniquely free and user-friendly way for individuals to get information about incidents. Nearly 3 million people have subscribed to its breach notifications, and 120,000 individuals use it to monitor web domains. Now, Hunt says he will be working with the mergers and acquisitions team at the professional service firm KPMG to search for a potential buyer. He’s calling the process Project Svalbard — an allusion to a massive bank of plant seeds in Norway. “[I]’m already […]

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Once again, it’s 123456: the password that says ‘I give up’

A new survey says 46% of users find security confusing, which helps explain how that old clunker keeps popping to the top of breach lists. Continue reading Once again, it’s 123456: the password that says ‘I give up’

773M Password ‘Megabreach’ is Years Old

My inbox and Twitter messages positively lit up today with people forwarding stories from Wired and other publications about a supposedly new trove of nearly 773 million unique email addresses and 21 million unique passwords that were posted to a hacking forum. A story in The Guardian breathlessly dubbed it “the largest collection ever of breached data found.” But in an interview with the apparent seller, KrebsOnSecurity learned that it is not even close to the largest gathering of stolen data, and that it is at least two to three years old. Continue reading 773M Password ‘Megabreach’ is Years Old