What value is there in separating outbound vs. inbound credential usage in a TLS API?

OpenSSL defines an SSL_CTX struct which can be charged with (client or server) identities. If you pass it to SSL_connect, you’re a client; if you pass it to SSL_accept, you’re a server.
With SSPI/SChannel on Windows it appears that you’re … Continue reading What value is there in separating outbound vs. inbound credential usage in a TLS API?

How do certificate authorities choose which private/public keys to use to encrypt each SSL certificate so a browser can know that they’re legit? [duplicate]

My understanding is that for each SSL certificate, there is a private and public key that web browsers use to confirm that it is a valid certificate signed by a trusted Certificate Authority.
How does the Certificate Authority decide which… Continue reading How do certificate authorities choose which private/public keys to use to encrypt each SSL certificate so a browser can know that they’re legit? [duplicate]