Anafi USA enterprise drone flies 32x zoom 4K video and thermal cameras

Parrot has launched a rugged drone for first responders, firefighters, search-and-rescue operatives, security agencies and survey/inspection workers. The Anafi USA features a 32x zoom 4K HDR camera and FLIR thermal camera, can fly for up to 32 minutes … Continue reading Anafi USA enterprise drone flies 32x zoom 4K video and thermal cameras

Anafi USA enterprise drone flies 32x zoom 4K video and thermal cameras

Parrot has launched a rugged drone for first responders, firefighters, search-and-rescue operatives, security agencies and survey/inspection workers. The Anafi USA features a 32x zoom 4K HDR camera and FLIR thermal camera, can fly for up to 32 minutes … Continue reading Anafi USA enterprise drone flies 32x zoom 4K video and thermal cameras

Thermal vision highlights Uranus's rarely-seen rings

Thermal images taken of Uranus, showing the planet's rings clearly

Although Saturn sports the most impressive ring system in our neighborhood, it’s not alone. Uranus is also packing some rings, although they’re usually too faint to see without a powerful telescope. But a striking new set of images shows these rings in very clear detail thanks to thermal imaging, while also allowing astronomers to measure their temperature for the first time.

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Category: Space


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Heat Seeking Robot and Camera Tear Down

[Marco Reps] found an HT02 thermal imaging camera in his mailbox. He found the resolution was fine for looking at big objects but worthless for examining circuit boards. So he decided to just tear it into pieces — an urge we totally understand.

Inside was a thermopile sensor that was easy to reverse engineer. So [Marco] decided to rework a Raspberry Pi robot to use the camera and turn it into a heat seeker.

The camera is relatively inexpensive compared to other similar devices and apparently uses a cheaper sensor type. However, the sensor itself was easy to use. [Marco] …read more

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Adding Optics to a Consumer Thermal Camera

[David Prutchi] writes in to tell us about his recent experiments with building lenses for thermal imaging cameras, which to his knowledge is a first (at least as far as DIY hardware is concerned). With his custom designed and built optics, he’s demonstrated the ability to not only zoom in on distant targets, but get up close and personal with small objects. He’s working with the Seek RevealPro, but the concept should work on hardware from other manufacturers as well.

In his detailed whitepaper, [David] starts by describing the types of lenses that are appropriate for thermal imaging. Glass doesn’t …read more

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