Defendant had no reasonable expectation of privacy in his employer’s information he was accused of taking highlights a court opinion out of Massachusetts: Defendant is charged with accessing and taking his employer’s information for the purpose of setting up a rival company doing the same thing. His motion to suppress the information is… Continue reading Defendant had no reasonable expectation of privacy in his employer’s information he was accused of taking

Ca: Health records found at Fort Simpson dump may have been stolen: report

Katherine Barton reports a long-awaited update to a 2018 incident where the investigation was delayed due to backlog: The Northwest Territories’ privacy commissioner’s investigation into medical records allegedly recovered at the Fort Simps… Continue reading Ca: Health records found at Fort Simpson dump may have been stolen: report

More pharmacy chains report HIPAA breaches linked to looting during protests

First it was Walmart disclosing that their pharmacies in stores in California and Chicago had suffered damage and theft by looters of medications ready for pickup with patient information on labels. Then it was CVS, who notified HHS that more than 21,0… Continue reading More pharmacy chains report HIPAA breaches linked to looting during protests

Lifespan Pays $1,040,000 to OCR to Settle Unencrypted Stolen Laptop Breach

In April, 2017, Lifespan issued a statement disclosing a stolen laptop incident involving unencrypted protected health information.  In at least two places in their statement they claim that they are committed to protecting the security and confidentia… Continue reading Lifespan Pays $1,040,000 to OCR to Settle Unencrypted Stolen Laptop Breach