Heating Mars On The Cheap

Mars is fairly attractive as a potential future home for humanity. It’s solid, with firm land underfoot. It’s able to hang on to a little atmosphere, which is more than …read more Continue reading Heating Mars On The Cheap
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Mars is fairly attractive as a potential future home for humanity. It’s solid, with firm land underfoot. It’s able to hang on to a little atmosphere, which is more than …read more Continue reading Heating Mars On The Cheap
Over the past decades we have been able to observe a change in the Earth’s climate, caused by an increasing amount of energy being retained in the atmosphere. This in …read more Continue reading The Challenge of Weather Modification in the Face of Climate Change
Mars is a pretty inhospitable place, and NASA recently ruined the fun by showing that it’s just not feasible to terraform the entire planet. But what about just certain parts of it? Now, researchers from Harvard have shown that thin layers of… Continue reading Harvard study says an inch of silica aerogel could make patches of Mars liveable
Elon Musk once suggested nuking the Martian poles to terraform the Red Planet, but NASA research shows why this would definitely not work. Continue reading Sorry Elon: NASA Says Mars Can’t Be Terraformed With Existing Technology
The man who discovered Proxima Centauri b says he was inspired by sci-fi to search for other worlds for humans to colonize. Continue reading If We Colonize a Neighboring Solar System, Thank Guillem Anglada-Escudé
The man who discovered Proxima Centauri b says he was inspired by sci-fi to search for other worlds for humans to colonize. Continue reading If We Colonize a Neighboring Solar System, Thank Guillem Anglada-Escudé