Wyden demands answers from telecom giants, NSA over SS7 vulnerabilities

Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden is demanding to know how America’s largest telecommunications companies plan to stop hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in an outdated mobile-data transfer framework that remains fundamental to how cellphones function. Wyden sent a series of letters Thursday to the chief executives of AT&T, Sprint, Verizon and T-Mobile to learn about their efforts to mitigate risks associated with weak points in Signaling System No 7, or SS7, a set of protocols that allow for different mobile phone networks to connect to one another. In addition, the Oregon senator sent a letter to the NSA director, Adm. Michael Rogers, requesting information about past attempts by adversaries to hack into SS7 for the purpose of spying on Americans, including military personnel, civilians and companies. The Daily Beast was the first to report on Wyden’s multiple letters. There are well-known security issues with SS7, including reported cases of intelligence agencies exploiting vulnerabilities in […]

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