Privacy in 2019: 6 Basic Steps to Keep Yourself Protected

By John Mason
2019 has barely started, and indications show that this year could very well be one of the worst for Internet users as far as privacy and data security is concerned. As HackRead has reported, below are some of the biggest privacy breaches… Continue reading Privacy in 2019: 6 Basic Steps to Keep Yourself Protected

New Samsung Galaxy S10 review and features

By Uzair Amir
The all new Samsung Galaxy S10 family has been released by Samsung on 8th March, 2019 and despite the high price & a lazy start, the Galaxy S10 has made a record in pre-orders for Samsung in the US. When the pre-orders for Samsung Gal… Continue reading New Samsung Galaxy S10 review and features

Most & least radiation emitting smartphones in 2019

By Zehra Ali
Smartphones are a utility in our lives more than any other thing. The addiction has increased to a level that most of us keep our smartphones by our side whether we are at the office, home or even while we are on the bed. According to the … Continue reading Most & least radiation emitting smartphones in 2019

Website uses Artificial Intelligence to create utterly realistic human faces

By Waqas
A new way for cybercriminals to create fake social media profiles and carry identity scams using Artificial Intelligence powered tool? A couple of months ago it was reported that NVIDIA has developed a tool that uses Artificial Intelligence to… Continue reading Website uses Artificial Intelligence to create utterly realistic human faces

Russian to shut down Internet to test its cyber deterrence

By Carolina
To test the security of its data, Russia is considering disconnecting its Internet service for a short period of time. The test will affect all the data sent by Russian citizens or organizations as Internet access would be limited only with… Continue reading Russian to shut down Internet to test its cyber deterrence

Crypto exchange loses access to $145M after CEO dies without giving password

By Waqas
The Canada-based cryptocurrency exchange QuardigaCX has suffered a major setback after the untimely death of its founder and CEO Gerald Cotten. Apparently, Cotten had exclusive and crucial information about the exchange’s password. Now that th… Continue reading Crypto exchange loses access to $145M after CEO dies without giving password

Crypto exchange loses access to $145M after CEO dies without giving password

By Waqas
The Canada-based cryptocurrency exchange QuardigaCX has suffered a major setback after the untimely death of its founder and CEO Gerald Cotten. Apparently, Cotten had exclusive and crucial information about the exchange’s password. Now that th… Continue reading Crypto exchange loses access to $145M after CEO dies without giving password