Eavesdropping on a specific port of machine in the WLAN from a different machine, possible? (using arpspoof)

I’m using netcat -l 555 option to communicate between two computers(Linux) on port 555, is there any way I can eavesdrop to whats going on in that conversation from a 3rd computer?

After the second machine responds with netc… Continue reading Eavesdropping on a specific port of machine in the WLAN from a different machine, possible? (using arpspoof)

Attackers can hijack unencrypted web traffic of 80% of Android users

The recently revealed security bug (CVE-2016-5696) in the TCP implementation in the Linux kernel that could allow attackers to hijack unencrypted web traffic without an MitM position also affects some 1.4 billion Android devices, Lookout researchers have warned. “We can estimate then that all Android versions running the Linux Kernel 3.6 (approximately Android 4.4 KitKat) to the latest are vulnerable to this attack or 79.9% of the Android ecosystem,” they noted. This fact should not … More Continue reading Attackers can hijack unencrypted web traffic of 80% of Android users

TCP Flaw in Linux Extends to 80 Percent of Android Devices

Researchers at Lookout said that 80 percent of Android devices remain vulnerable to a critical Linux vulnerability disclosed last week. Continue reading TCP Flaw in Linux Extends to 80 Percent of Android Devices