Malware outbreak forces Apple chip supplier to shut down operations; new iPhones could be delayed

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) was forced to suspend operations last week because of a malware outbreak at its factories. TSMC makes the A-series processors powering Apple’s popular gadgets, including the iPhone. In a press rel… Continue reading Malware outbreak forces Apple chip supplier to shut down operations; new iPhones could be delayed

iPhone Chip Supplier TSMC Stops Production After Computer Virus Attack

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)—Apple’s sole supplier of SoC components for iPhones and iPads, and Qualcomm’s major manufacturing partner—shut down several of its chip-fabrication factories Friday night after being hit by a computer v… Continue reading iPhone Chip Supplier TSMC Stops Production After Computer Virus Attack

Craig Wright Isn’t Mad, He’s Actually Laughing After Public Beef at Blockchain Conference

nChain chief scientist and would-be Satoshi Nakamoto Craig Wright walked off of a panel flanked by personal security after a confrontation with LightningASIC CEO Jack Liao. Continue reading Craig Wright Isn’t Mad, He’s Actually Laughing After Public Beef at Blockchain Conference

Micron’s IP was Stolen and The Company Wants It Back

In a sequence of events we don’t see with regularity, a U.S. company’s intellectual property (IP) is being protected by the laws and courts of another country. This is exactly what Boise, Idaho-based Micron Technology is experiencing in Taiwan, Republi… Continue reading Micron’s IP was Stolen and The Company Wants It Back

Cybersecurity quiz winners rewarded with malware-infected USB sticks

It is a truth universally acknowledged in the infosecurity community, that giving away free USB sticks only leads to trouble. On countless occasions we’ve seen businesses embarrassed as they hand out thumb drives which are not only stuffed to the… Continue reading Cybersecurity quiz winners rewarded with malware-infected USB sticks

Police distributed malware infected USBs as cybersecurity quiz prizes

By Carolina
The Police are supposed to protect and serve but Taiwanese police
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Chinese hackers tried to spy on U.S. think tanks to steal military secrets, CrowdStrike says

A series of cyberattacks against Western think tanks and nongovernmental organizations appear to be attempts by the Chinese government to gain insight on the military strategies of Western governments, according U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. In a blog post published Wednesday, CrowdStrike said it observed Chinese hackers trying to break into the servers of six different Western organizations in October and November, marking an uptick in cyberattacks originating from China in recent months. CrowdStrike researcher Adam Kozy writes that in the recent attacks, the “adversaries specifically targeted the communications of foreign personnel involved in Chinese economic policy research and the Chinese economy, as well as users with noted expertise in defense, international finance, U.S.-Sino relations, cyber governance, and democratic elections.” CrowdStrike Vice President of Intelligence Adam Meyers told CyberScoop that, given the information the attackers appeared to be after, the efforts were likely coordinated by Beijing. A mix of both U.S. […]

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