A Dozen Nation-Backed APTs Tap COVID-19 to Cover Spy Attacks

Iran’s Charming Kitten and other nation-state actors are using the coronavirus pandemic to their advantage, for espionage. Continue reading A Dozen Nation-Backed APTs Tap COVID-19 to Cover Spy Attacks

Google sent ~40K warnings to targets of state-backed attackers in 2019

Google has seen a rising number of attackers impersonating news outlets and journalists to spread fake news among other reporters. Continue reading Google sent ~40K warnings to targets of state-backed attackers in 2019

Google sent ~40K warnings to targets of state-backed attackers in 2019

Google has seen a rising number of attackers impersonating news outlets and journalists to spread fake news among other reporters. Continue reading Google sent ~40K warnings to targets of state-backed attackers in 2019

Faulty Parking Meter Tracking System? RFID To The Rescue!

How often do you see problems that need fixing? How often do you design your own solutions to them — even if they won’t be implemented at scale? Seeing that many of the municipal parking lots in his native Sri Lanka use a paper ticketing system which is prone to failure, [Shazin Sadakath] whipped up his own solution: an efficient RFID tag logging system.

Digging out an HZ-1050 RFID reader — as well an RFID card and two tags — [Sadakath] set to work connecting it to his Raspberry Pi and cooking up a batch of code and a dashboard …read more

Continue reading Faulty Parking Meter Tracking System? RFID To The Rescue!