Dutch Watchdog Sues Adobe Over Mass Collection of Citizen Data

By Deeba Ahmed
Hidden Code, Hidden Profits – Tracked Before You Click – SDBN Takes Adobe to Court Over Alleged Illegal Tracking of Dutch Cizitens.
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Dutch Watchdog Sues Adobe Over Mass Collection o… Continue reading Dutch Watchdog Sues Adobe Over Mass Collection of Citizen Data

FBI Chief Makes Fresh Pitch for Spy Program Renewal and Says It’d Be ‘Devastating’ If It Lapsed

FBI Director Christopher Wray calls for the reauthorization of a U.S. government surveillance tool set to expire at the end of the year.
The post FBI Chief Makes Fresh Pitch for Spy Program Renewal and Says It’d Be ‘Devastating’ If It Lapse… Continue reading FBI Chief Makes Fresh Pitch for Spy Program Renewal and Says It’d Be ‘Devastating’ If It Lapsed

Trail of Bits Spinout iVerify Tackles Mercenary Spyware Threat

iVerify, a seed-stage startup spun out of Trail of Bits, ships a mobile threat hunting platform to neutralize iOS and Android zero-days.
The post Trail of Bits Spinout iVerify Tackles Mercenary Spyware Threat appeared first on SecurityWeek.
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AI and Mass Spying

Spying and surveillance are different but related things. If I hired a private detective to spy on you, that detective could hide a bug in your home or car, tap your phone, and listen to what you said. At the end, I would get a report of all the conversations you had and the contents of those conversations. If I hired that same private detective to put you under surveillance, I would get a different report: where you went, whom you talked to, what you purchased, what you did.

Before the internet, putting someone under surveillance was expensive and time-consuming. You had to manually follow someone around, noting where they went, whom they talked to, what they purchased, what they did, and what they read. That world is forever gone. Our phones track our locations. Credit cards track our purchases. Apps track whom we talk to, and e-readers know what we read. Computers collect data about what we’re doing on them, and as both storage and processing have become cheaper, that data is increasingly saved and used. What was manual and individual has become bulk and mass. Surveillance has …

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Can Cellebrite be used to access any phone by the government? What is the point of encryption if they can get into any phone?

I’m currently studying forensics, and one thing that keeps coming up is the authorities breaking into phones.
There are several third party tools they can use, but one of the most popular is ‘Cellebrite’.
My understanding of this device wa… Continue reading Can Cellebrite be used to access any phone by the government? What is the point of encryption if they can get into any phone?

Secret White House Warrantless Surveillance Program

There seems to be no end to warrantless surveillance:

According to the letter, a surveillance program now known as Data Analytical Services (DAS) has for more than a decade allowed federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to mine the details of Americans’ calls, analyzing the phone records of countless people who are not suspected of any crime, including victims. Using a technique known as chain analysis, the program targets not only those in direct phone contact with a criminal suspect but anyone with whom those individuals have been in contact as well…

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