Eyes in the sky: NATO’s E-3 spy plane fleet watches over Ukraine

The unpredictable nature of the conflict in Ukraine makes it a confusing one from the outside looking in, but Western powers are watching it unfold with intelligence resources that would have been unimaginable half a century ago. Here, New Atlas looks … Continue reading Eyes in the sky: NATO’s E-3 spy plane fleet watches over Ukraine

Your CCTV devices can be hacked and weaponized

In this interview for Help Net Security, Camellia Chan, CEO at Flexxon, talks about the dangers of closed-circuit television (CCTV) hacks and what users can do to protect themselves. More and more homes are being equipped with CCTV. While it can be ver… Continue reading Your CCTV devices can be hacked and weaponized

Spyware Maker Intellexa Sued by Journalist

The Greek journalist Thanasis Koukakis was spied on by his own government, with a commercial spyware product called “Predator.” That product is sold by a company in North Macedonia called Cytrox, which is in turn owned by an Israeli company called Intellexa.

Koukakis is suing Intellexa.

The lawsuit filed by Koukakis takes aim at Intellexa and its executive, alleging a criminal breach of privacy and communication laws, reports Haaretz. The founder of Intellexa, a former Israeli intelligence commander named Taj Dilian, is listed as one of the defendants in the suit, as is another shareholder, Sara Hemo, and the firm itself. The objective of the suit, Koukakis says, is to spur an investigation to determine whether a criminal indictment should be brought against the defendants…

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Large-Scale Collection of Cell Phone Data at US Borders

The Washington Post is reporting that the US Customs and Border Protection agency is seizing and copying cell phone, tablet, and computer data from “as many as” 10,000 phones per year, including an unspecified number of American citizens. This is done without a warrant, because “…courts have long granted an exception to border authorities, allowing them to search people’s devices without a warrant or suspicion of a crime.”

CBP’s inspection of people’s phones, laptops, tablets and other electronic devices as they enter the country has long been a controversial practice that the agency has defended as a low-impact way to pursue possible security threats and determine an individual’s “intentions upon entry” into the U.S. But the revelation that thousands of agents have access to a searchable database without public oversight is a new development in what privacy advocates and some lawmakers warn could be an infringement of Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures…

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Congressional inquiry reveals secret Customs and Border Protection database of U.S. phone records

CBP is conducting warrantless phone searches of up to 10,000 Americans annually and storing details in a government database.

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What is a parental control app and what are your options

By Waqas
There are many different parental control apps available, so it is important to research which one will best fit the needs of your family.
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: What is a parental control app and what are you… Continue reading What is a parental control app and what are your options

What Are the Top 10 Android Educational Apps That Collect Most User Data?

By Deeba Ahmed
HelloTalk, GoogleClassroom, ClassDojo, and Duolingo turned out to be the top 3 educational apps that collect the most user data from Android devices.
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: What Are the Top 10 Android Ed… Continue reading What Are the Top 10 Android Educational Apps That Collect Most User Data?

Micro-AUV tech designed to keep secret underwater missions under wraps

While AUVs (autonomous underwater vehicles) are often used for scientific studies, they’re sometimes also utilized in more secretive applications, such as surveillance and reconnaissance. A new system helps hide their location, by having them deploy a … Continue reading Micro-AUV tech designed to keep secret underwater missions under wraps

TikTok’s In-App Browser Can Monitor Your Activity on External Websites

By Deeba Ahmed
Other iPhone apps using in-app browsers were also tested in the research but TikTok was the only app to monitor keystrokes.
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: TikTok’s In-App Browser Can Monitor Your Activity … Continue reading TikTok’s In-App Browser Can Monitor Your Activity on External Websites