Gallery: Stunning Sun shot headlines Astrophotography Prize winners

Earth can only hold so many photography subjects – but the universe is basically infinite, and so is its beauty. The Astrophotography Prize is a relatively new international competition that celebrates this art, and this year’s winners have been unveil… Continue reading Gallery: Stunning Sun shot headlines Astrophotography Prize winners

Gallery: Cosmic wonders in the Astronomy Photographer of the Year awards

Few photography subjects offer the breadth of beauty as astronomy, and the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s annual Astronomy Photographer of the Year awards celebrate that fact. The winners for 2024 have now been crowned, including some breathtaking shots… Continue reading Gallery: Cosmic wonders in the Astronomy Photographer of the Year awards

Solar Dynamics Observatory: Our Solar Early Warning System

Ever since the beginning of the Space Age, the inner planets and the Earth-Moon system have received the lion’s share of attention. That makes sense; it’s a whole lot easier …read more Continue reading Solar Dynamics Observatory: Our Solar Early Warning System

Satellites spot strange sky glow that only comes out after midnight

If you’re planning to get out and see the aurora next time the Sun fires a blast our way, you might want to keep an eye out for a brand new type of sky glow that’s just been discovered. This short-lived phenomenon only appears after midnight and seems … Continue reading Satellites spot strange sky glow that only comes out after midnight