Why would a company choose to use different SSL providers for different subdomains

Recently, I happened to notice that a site I was looking at had different certificate providers for different subdomains. Whilst looking around, I found that seems to be somewhat common (or at least not rare).
Whilst I understand the logic… Continue reading Why would a company choose to use different SSL providers for different subdomains

Can I escalate a main domain SSTI/RCE to all the subdomains belonging to that domain?

I’m a newbie ethical hacker and bug bounty hunter. Lets, assume my target is somethingtohack.com, the thing is the company’s scope defines that the main domain is out of scope, but subdomains like subdomain.somethingtohack.com are in scope… Continue reading Can I escalate a main domain SSTI/RCE to all the subdomains belonging to that domain?

How does DNS-01 validation for LetsEncrypt know what the right IP address is?

For my personal use, I bought a domain for internal ssl validation for my pfsense. I was able to get the LetsEncrypt’s ACME script to successfully validate my domain and produce an ssl certificate for a subdomain. I setup my pfsense to use… Continue reading How does DNS-01 validation for LetsEncrypt know what the right IP address is?