State of the Internet Security – Credential Stuffing

Credential stuffing, and the botnets behind this activity, is the primary focus of the State of the Internet Security Report, Issue 4, 2018. Credential stuffing, the use of botnets to try to login to a site with stolen or randomly…
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What You Need To Know – Summer 2018 State of the Internet / Security: Web Attack Report

It’s that time of year – the Summer 2018 State of the Internet / Security: Web Attack report is now live. This new naming schema is just one of the many changes you’ll notice if you’re a returning reader…
The post What You Need To Know – Summer… Continue reading What You Need To Know – Summer 2018 State of the Internet / Security: Web Attack Report

The State of the Internet: A Decade of Change

The State of the Internet Report is growing up – with this issue, it enters its tenth year of publication. Over time, it has matured in many ways, including its length, design, and the content it includes. Looking back at… Continue reading The State of the Internet: A Decade of Change