Simplifying decentralized identity systems for everyday use

In this Help Net Security interview, Carla Roncato, VP of Identity at WatchGuard Technologies, discusses how companies can balance privacy, security, and usability in digital identity systems. She emphasizes modern techniques like biometrics and passke… Continue reading Simplifying decentralized identity systems for everyday use

Unlocking the power of cryptographic agility in a quantum world

In this Help Net Security interview, Glen Leonhard, Director of Key Management at Cryptomathic, discusses the role of cryptographic agility in mitigating risks posed by quantum computing. Cryptographic agility enables organizations to seamlessly transi… Continue reading Unlocking the power of cryptographic agility in a quantum world

Transforming cloud security with real-time visibility

In this Help Net Security interview, Amiram Shachar, CEO at Upwind, discusses the complexities of cloud security in hybrid and multi-cloud environments. He outlines the need for deep visibility into configurations and real-time insights to achieve a ba… Continue reading Transforming cloud security with real-time visibility

How passkeys eliminate password management headaches

In this Help Net Security interview, David Cottingham, President at rf IDEAS, discusses the key benefits organizations can expect when implementing passkeys. Cottingham addresses the misconceptions surrounding the adoption of passkeys, particularly in … Continue reading How passkeys eliminate password management headaches

NIST releases finalized post-quantum encryption standards

NIST has finalized its principal set of encryption algorithms designed to withstand cyberattacks from a quantum computer. The announced algorithms are specified in the first completed standards from NIST’s post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standardizatio… Continue reading NIST releases finalized post-quantum encryption standards

Cross-industry standards for data provenance in AI

In this Help Net Security interview, Saira Jesani, Executive Director of the Data & Trust Alliance, discusses the role of data provenance in AI trustworthiness and its impact on AI models’ performance and reliability. Jesani highlights the collabo… Continue reading Cross-industry standards for data provenance in AI

Signatures should become cloud security history

It’s becoming evident that the legacy practice of signature-based threat detection needs to be improved for cloud security challenges. In this Help Net Security video, Jimmy Mesta, CTO at RAD Security, discusses a new proposed standard for creati… Continue reading Signatures should become cloud security history

What are the list of Cyber Security Industry wide – Security Standards and Controls Educational Purpose? [closed]

I would like ot know more about What are the list of Cyber Security Industry wide – Security Standards and Controls Educational Purpose?
ISMS -> Information Security Management System -> ISO 27k1 2022 -> Risk Management
Bank… Continue reading What are the list of Cyber Security Industry wide – Security Standards and Controls Educational Purpose? [closed]

Preparing for Q-Day as NIST nears approval of PQC standards

Q-Day—the day when a cryptographically relevant quantum computer can break most forms of modern encryption—is fast approaching, leaving the complex systems our societies rely on vulnerable to a new wave of cyberattacks. While estimates just a few years… Continue reading Preparing for Q-Day as NIST nears approval of PQC standards