I am trying to configure SingleSignOn (Kerberos) and get 2 error messages in the log. Even google hasn’t heard of them

I am trying to activate SingleSignOn for a new browser-based application hosted on a server by us, which we implemented at work recently. The application works flawlessly, the only thing that doesn’t seem to work is the SingleSignOn servic… Continue reading I am trying to configure SingleSignOn (Kerberos) and get 2 error messages in the log. Even google hasn’t heard of them

How to secure data one firewall at a time

The need for secure data access management is top-of-mind in the C-suite and boardroom. The question I keep hearing from IT departments is how to do it right, that is, how to ensure security and governance without frustrating users or slowing innovatio… Continue reading How to secure data one firewall at a time

A leadership guide for mitigating security risks with low code platforms

The low code market continues to grow, increasingly finding adoption for more diverse and serious applications among enterprises and independent software vendors (ISVs). The lingering question of application code security follows, as stories of securit… Continue reading A leadership guide for mitigating security risks with low code platforms

Why passwordless is not always passwordless

The concept of passwordless authentication has been gathering steam. Gartner anticipates that by 2022, 60% of large and global enterprises will implement some sort of passwordless solution to enhance security. While these emerging authentication tools … Continue reading Why passwordless is not always passwordless

Password reuse defeats the purpose of passwords

When a person reuses the same password across multiple accounts, one account’s exposure puts all the others at risk. To prevent this, cybersecurity awareness programs must emphasize the importance of passwords: how to create them, use them, and how to … Continue reading Password reuse defeats the purpose of passwords