After a Painful Outage, Epic Games Advocate Automated Certificate Renewals

On April 6, 2021, American video game and software developer, Epic Games, experienced a massive outage that resulted in the failure of multiple internal systems, logins, live services, and their game launcher. Root cause analysis exposed the culprit as… Continue reading After a Painful Outage, Epic Games Advocate Automated Certificate Renewals

The Benefits of Offloading SSL (certs) on F5 Devices, and How to Automate it

What is SSL Offloading on Load Balancer? SSL offloading means that all HTTPS traffic is decrypted on the Load Balancer and passed to the backend servers in plain HTTP. This means all layer 7 actions are completed on the traffic before passing it to the… Continue reading The Benefits of Offloading SSL (certs) on F5 Devices, and How to Automate it