SQL Server Essentials: Using the SQL GROUP BY Clause

SQL Server’s T-SQL query language has a plethora of data retrieval options. That includes the ability to query a SQL database, as well as providing a sum function, a count aggregate function, and grouping columns. The SQL GROUP BY clause can make use of all of these capabilities. In this article, I’ll show you how…

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Which is safer – using the sql_conn Flutter package or using a web server as a middle layer for requests against a SQL Server database?

We are currently working on setting up new Android handheld devices (RF guns) to read/write to our SQL Server 2019 database and are at a fork in the road in deciding what to do. Both options below would work, but option 1 is a lot faster t… Continue reading Which is safer – using the sql_conn Flutter package or using a web server as a middle layer for requests against a SQL Server database?

What is Azure Data Studio?

Azure Data Studio is a database management tool from Microsoft. It offers a modern and user-friendly UI for performing several database operations and building customizable dashboards. In this article, I’ll explain how Azure Data Studio works, how it differs from SQL Server Management Studio, and how you can download and install it on your PC….

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How to Install SQL Server Containers on Linux Using Docker

Microsoft has officially supported running SQL Server in a container since SQL Server 2017. Today, most support is for SQL Server on Linux containers, and Microsoft only supports SQL Server 2022 on Linux containers for production workloads. In this article, I’ll show you how to configure SQL Server Docker containers on Linux. Why would you…

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SQL Server Essentials: How to Install SQL Server 2022 and Azure Data Studio on Linux

Starting with SQL Server 2017, Microsoft has supported SQL Server on Linux, which has the same underlying database engine as the Windows version. In this article, I’ll show you how to install SQL Server on Linux, as well as Azure Data Studio. The most recent release of SQL Server is SQL Server 2022, which offers…

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SQL Server Essentials: Downloading and Installing SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio

SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2022 (SSDT) is the modern replacement for Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), which was introduced with SQL Server 2005. SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2022 is now delivered as a part of Visual Studio 2022, and it enables you to create and modify new projects for…

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SQL Server Essentials: Using SQL COALESCE

When working with SQL Server databases, the SQL COALESCE expression is commonly used to detect null values and provide a fallback or default value when dealing with nullable columns or expressions in SQL queries. It’s like a syntactic shortcut for the CASE expression, and it’s typically used to make subsequent calculations easier. In this article,…

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SQL Server Essentials: Using the SQL LIKE Operator

The T-SQL LIKE operator is one of the most useful additions to the SQL SELECT statement. The latter retrieves a result set, and you can easily filter the results using equality operators and the WHERE clause to select certain specific conditions. But what about those times when you might want to select rows that are…

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SQL Server Essentials: Installing SQL Server Management Studio and Azure Data Studio

Microsoft’s SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is the primary tool…

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