Keebin’ with Kristina: the One with the Copycat Keyboard

Illustrated Kristina with an IBM Model M keyboard floating between her hands.

This is Crater75, an almost completely from-scratch row-staggered wireless split board that [United_Parfait_6383] has been working on for a few months. Everything but the keycaps and switches is DIY. As …read more Continue reading Keebin’ with Kristina: the One with the Copycat Keyboard

Keebin’ with Kristina: the One with the Folding Keyboard Mod

Illustrated Kristina with an IBM Model M keyboard floating between her hands.

Let’s face it, failed Kickstarters are no good. But they can spark good things, like real versions of technologies that might have actually been faked for the platform. A touchscreen …read more Continue reading Keebin’ with Kristina: the One with the Folding Keyboard Mod

Solar Powered Split Wireless Mechanically Keyboard

When thinking about a perfect keyboard, some of us have a veritable laundry list: split, hot-swapping, wireless, 3d printed, encoders, and a custom layout. The Aloidia keyboard by [Nguyen Vincent] …read more Continue reading Solar Powered Split Wireless Mechanically Keyboard

Keebin’ with Kristina: the One Where Shift (Really) Happens

Illustrated Kristina with an IBM Model M keyboard floating between her hands.

Hooray, the system works! [Sasha K.] wrote to let me know about their Thumbs Up! keyboard, which is the culmination of a long journey down the DIY rabbit hole to …read more Continue reading Keebin’ with Kristina: the One Where Shift (Really) Happens