‘Windows Update’ Installs Cyborg Ransomware

A malicious spam campaign that informs victims it contains a “critical Windows update” instead leads to the installation of Cyborg ransomware, researchers have found. Further, they were able to access its builder, which can be used to creat… Continue reading ‘Windows Update’ Installs Cyborg Ransomware

Security First: The Double-Edged Sword of Remote Collaboration

For the better part of the past decade, online tech support scams have been on the rise as hackers find new ways to trick consumers into providing remote access to their computers in order to steal information. This tried-and-true phishing scam today r… Continue reading Security First: The Double-Edged Sword of Remote Collaboration

What are spammers trying to acheive who only provide the correct contact information in their spam? [on hold]

I’ve recently received 2 spam SMS messages, claiming to be from 2 different organizations, but (obviously) not sent by them.

However, all of the contact details in the SMS match the real details of the organizations in quest… Continue reading What are spammers trying to acheive who only provide the correct contact information in their spam? [on hold]

Bizarre email sent from spam email address with contact details of someone I know and a friend of their’s in it [on hold]

Someone I know (call them Darren Smith) recently received a rather odd email. It was sent to their personal email address, emailaddresswithnonameinit@emailprovider.com. The “From” field had “Darren Smith” as the name in it, b… Continue reading Bizarre email sent from spam email address with contact details of someone I know and a friend of their’s in it [on hold]

Darknet hosting provider in underground NATO bunker busted

Police overcame not only digital defenses of the “bulletproof” provider CyberBunker but also barbed wire fences and surveillance cams. Continue reading Darknet hosting provider in underground NATO bunker busted