Google fights spammy extensions with new Chrome Web Store policy

The policies are specifically meant to fight spam, but they outlaw tactics taken by malicious extensions as well, including fake reviews. Continue reading Google fights spammy extensions with new Chrome Web Store policy

TrickBot Campaigns Targeting Users via Department of Labor FMLA Spam

Recent analysis from IBM X-Force spam traps uncovered a new Trickbot campaign that currently targets email recipients with fake messages purporting to come from the U.S. Department of Labor.

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SBA Spoofed in COVID-19 Spam to Deliver Remcos RAT

As the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic impacts small businesses in the U.S., cybercriminals are trusting that people will be more likely to open unsolicited emails purporting to come from relevant entities.

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US Law Enforcement Takes Down COVID-19-related Online Malicious Campaigns

The Department of Justice cooperated with several private companies and internet domain providers and registrars to disrupt hundreds of websites and malicious campaigns that tried to exploit the current COVID-19 pandemic. Following a wave of complaints… Continue reading US Law Enforcement Takes Down COVID-19-related Online Malicious Campaigns

New Study Shows Consumers Could Be Vulnerable to COVID-19 Spam

Since March 11, IBM X-Force has observed a more than 6,000 percent increase in COVID-19 spam, with lures ranging the full gamut of challenges and concerns facing individuals.

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Cyberattackers Ramp Up to 1.5M COVID-19 Emails Per Day

Research analyzing three months of coronavirus-themed attacks show cybercriminals adjusting threat levels to evolve with pandemic and typical employment trends. Continue reading Cyberattackers Ramp Up to 1.5M COVID-19 Emails Per Day

COVID-19 Phishing Lures Explode – Google Blocks 18M in 7 Days

Bad people are feeding off our fears by using novel-coronavirus themes in their phishing campaigns.
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