Office 365 Users Targeted By ‘Coronavirus Employee Training’ Phish

Threat actors shift focus from COVID-19 to employee coronavirus training and current events like Black Lives Matter as cyber-attacks continue to rise. Continue reading Office 365 Users Targeted By ‘Coronavirus Employee Training’ Phish

Odd Protest-Themed Spam Messages Targeted Atlanta Police Foundation

Security researchers came across a series of odd protest-themed spam email messages that appeared to target the Atlanta Police Foundation. SANS’ Internet Storm Center observed that the spam messages first appeared to be instances of an extortion … Continue reading Odd Protest-Themed Spam Messages Targeted Atlanta Police Foundation

Black Lives Matter-Related Spam Used to Deploy Malware

Black Lives Matter is the latest hook bad actors are using to persuade people to open email attachments containing malware, according to Bitdefender’s telemetry. Criminals use any new massive event to accelerate the spread of various malware camp… Continue reading Black Lives Matter-Related Spam Used to Deploy Malware