Kegtap, Singlemalt, Winekey Malware Serve Up Ransomware to Hospitals

Amid an uptick in attacks on healthcare orgs, malware families, Kegtap, Singlemalt and Winekey are being used to deliver the Ryuk ransomware to already strained systems. Continue reading Kegtap, Singlemalt, Winekey Malware Serve Up Ransomware to Hospitals

Smashing Security podcast #202: The Wu-Tang Clan are Among Us

Voting machines are under the microscope, scammers are posing as rap stars, and American politician AOC isn’t the only one who’s been getting into the Among Us game.

All this and much more is discussed in the latest edition of the award-winning “Sma… Continue reading Smashing Security podcast #202: The Wu-Tang Clan are Among Us

Old Story: Leaked Voter Records

My previous posting on the Proud Boys spam email speculated that voter records were widely available for such purposes. Here’s a story from 2017 reporting that voter data for about 198 million Americans was spilled from a “storage bucket” on Amazon’s S… Continue reading Old Story: Leaked Voter Records