The Regulatory Side of Rolling Your Own Moderate Solar Farm

[Russell Graves] lives in Idaho and recently connected his solar installation to the grid, which meant adhering to regulatory requirements for both the National Electric Code (NEC) as well as …read more Continue reading The Regulatory Side of Rolling Your Own Moderate Solar Farm

Magic Pyramids Blink Eternal with the Power of the Sun

Without knowing it, we’ve spent years watching [Jasper Sikken] piece together an empire of energy harvesting equipment, and now he’s putting the pieces together into wonderful creations. His recently finished …read more Continue reading Magic Pyramids Blink Eternal with the Power of the Sun

Increasing the Resolution of the Electrical Grid

As a society in the USA and other parts of the world, we don’t give much thought to the twisting vines of civilization that entangle our skies and snake beneath our streets. The humming electrical lines on long poles that …read more

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