Sharing knowledge and moving towards securing all the things!

Originally a software developer (for 17 years), Tanya Janca, CEO of We Hack Purple, switched to security seven years ago. She founded the company to share as much knowledge as possible in hopes of moving the industry forward towards creating more secur… Continue reading Sharing knowledge and moving towards securing all the things!

CyberCops program: ROTC students as future cybersecurity gatekeepers

Not so long ago, a strong password felt mighty enough to keep you safe and your computer data private. But we now live amid heightened risks in malware, phishing, spearphishing and denial-of-service attacks. Even scarier, it is possible for computer te… Continue reading CyberCops program: ROTC students as future cybersecurity gatekeepers

NetOps has become fundamental to network management, yet training efforts are lacking

Nearly two-thirds (64%) of network managers, network architects, and network engineers said their organizations have hired dedicated network automation engineers to transition to network operations (NetOps). However, only one-third of respondents said … Continue reading NetOps has become fundamental to network management, yet training efforts are lacking

Product showcase: ESET Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Engaging training scenarios, plus robust phishing simulation and reporting capabilities ESET is a market-leading cybersecurity provider, offering a comprehensive security platform for organizations throughout the world. To counter the complex attacks u… Continue reading Product showcase: ESET Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Addressing the cybersecurity skills gap: Where do we go from here?

There are an estimated 3.12 million cybersecurity jobs that need to be filled – more than double the current number of workers in this field. With this drastic gap, it is vital that businesses, students, and the industry make it a priority to work toge… Continue reading Addressing the cybersecurity skills gap: Where do we go from here?

A more dynamic approach is needed to tackle today’s evolving cybersecurity threats

For decades, the cybersecurity industry has followed a defense-in-depth strategy, which allowed organizations to designate the battlefield against bad actors at their edge firewall. The shift to the cloud has slowly reduced the dependence on network is… Continue reading A more dynamic approach is needed to tackle today’s evolving cybersecurity threats

Paving the way for women in industrial cybersecurity research

The professional journey an individual takes is heavily influenced by the people they are surrounded with throughout their life. From an early age, I knew I wanted to study computer science and I was probably one of five girls in my class. Despite the … Continue reading Paving the way for women in industrial cybersecurity research

Resilience by design: What security pros need to know about microlearning

It’s no secret that security training is failing us. Research has revealed that more 90% of people struggle to identify a phishing email — arguably one of the most basic tactics used by threat actors. Add more sophisticated attacks like social engineer… Continue reading Resilience by design: What security pros need to know about microlearning

Technical certifications demand growing, most IT employees have at least one

Technical certifications are increasingly in demand with 87% of IT employees possessing at least one and 40% pursuing their next. According to Questionmark, certification bodies must ensure they can quickly deliver, and robustly assess, their programs … Continue reading Technical certifications demand growing, most IT employees have at least one

Most businesses to accelerate data security investments in 2021

71 percent of enterprise executives reported their organization’s data and AI timelines have accelerated since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with one in four reporting their data initiatives have significantly accelerated, according to Protegrity… Continue reading Most businesses to accelerate data security investments in 2021