Sextortionist whisks away sex tapes using just a phone number

The SIM-swap victim knew he was in trouble when he got a 3:30 a.m. message about his phone service being cut off. Continue reading Sextortionist whisks away sex tapes using just a phone number

Food writer Jack Monroe loses at least £5,000 in SIM-swap fraud

Her accounts were drained in spite of using 2FA, showing that SIM swaps can still circumvent what’s a good security tool. Continue reading Food writer Jack Monroe loses at least £5,000 in SIM-swap fraud

Who Owns Your Wireless Service? Crooks Do.

Incessantly annoying and fraudulent robocalls. Corrupt wireless company employees taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to unlock and hijack mobile phone service. Wireless providers selling real-time customer location data, despite repeated promises to the contrary. A noticeable uptick in SIM-swapping attacks that lead to multi-million dollar cyberheists.

If you are somehow under the impression that you — the customer — are in control over the security, privacy and integrity of your mobile phone service, think again. And you’d be forgiven if you assumed the major wireless carriers or federal regulators had their hands firmly on the wheel. Continue reading Who Owns Your Wireless Service? Crooks Do.

The Unsexy Threat to Election Security

Much has been written about the need to further secure our elections, from ensuring the integrity of voting machines to combating fake news. But according to a report quietly issued by a California grand jury this week, more attention needs to be paid to securing social media and email accounts used by election officials at the state and local level. Continue reading The Unsexy Threat to Election Security

Account Hijacking Forum OGusers Hacked

Ogusers[.]com — a forum popular among people involved in hijacking online accounts and conducting SIM swapping attacks to seize control over victims’ phone numbers — has itself been hacked, exposing the email addresses, hashed passwords, IP addresses and private messages for nearly 113,000 forum users. Continue reading Account Hijacking Forum OGusers Hacked

Sim swapping hackers charged with stealing $2.5m worth of crypto

By Uzair Amir
These hackers are part of the group called “The Community.” According to an announcement made by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ), six men have been charged for SIM swapping fraud that resulted in the theft of nearly $2.5 … Continue reading Sim swapping hackers charged with stealing $2.5m worth of crypto

U.S. Charges 9 ‘SIM Swapping’ Attackers For Stealing $2.5 Million

The U.S. Department of Justice today announced charges against nine individuals, 6 of which are members of a hacking group called “The Community” and other 3 are former employees of mobile phone providers who allegedly helped them steal roughly $2.5 mi… Continue reading U.S. Charges 9 ‘SIM Swapping’ Attackers For Stealing $2.5 Million