Report Claims Russia Stole NSA Tools Using Kaspersky Software

By Uzair Amir
The Wall Street Journal has reported that Russian government-sponsored hackers
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Senators want spies to disclose more about secret zero-day policy

The Senate Intelligence Committee hopes to learn more about how American spies handle the disclosure of software vulnerabilities continuously discovered by the U.S.’ 16 spy agencies, which are occasionally used as a weak point to hack into computer networks, according to the recently released 2018 Intelligence Authorization Act. While the law calls for greater transparency, former senior U.S. officials say it begs the wrong questions. The specific provision, which is just one part of the Senate committee’s annual legislative agenda, comes in the aftermath of multiple leaks of classified information; providing in some cases the computer code behind a toolbox of outdated NSA and CIA hacking capabilities. These exposures have already led to the adoption of several different, U.S. government-linked hacking tools by cyber criminals and foreign spy powers. The proliferation of this code was responsible for a recent, global outbreak of ransomware that subsequently caused millions of dollars in […]

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The Shadow Brokers Have Made Almost $90,000 Selling Hacking Tools by Subscription, Researcher Says

An anonymous researcher has been able to identify the email address of people who have subscribed to the monthly dump service by the mysterious hacking group. Continue reading The Shadow Brokers Have Made Almost $90,000 Selling Hacking Tools by Subscription, Researcher Says

WannaCry’s bitcoins were converted to Monero, researchers say

Three months after WannaCry impacted more than 300,000 computers in over 150 countries, the bitcoins paid by victims have been exchanged for Monero, a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that’s seen a spike in popularity and price over the last year, according to researchers at the Italian cryptocurrency intelligence firm Neutrino. Beginning on Wednesday night, a Twitter bot set up by the business blog Quartz watched as money was drained from the wallet. The first such transaction can be seen below: 🚨 7.34128314 BTC ($20,055.52 USD) has just been withdrawn from a bitcoin wallet tied to #wcry ransomware. — actual ransom (@actual_ransom) August 3, 2017 Alberto Ornaghi, Neutrino’s chief technology officer, told CyberScoop that Monero is attractive because “it’s a highly oriented privacy cryptocurrency.” The idea of shifting the funds to to Monero, a three-year old project widely seen as a powerful anonymization tool, has been bandied about for months by a wide range of observers. It looks […]

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Shadow Brokers investigation is focusing on former NSA insider

The U.S. government’s counter intelligence investigation into the so-called Shadow Brokers group is currently focused on identifying a disgruntled, former U.S. intelligence community insider, multiple people familiar with the matter told CyberScoop. Sources tell CyberScoop that former NSA employees have been contacted by investigators in the probe to discover how a bevy of elite computer hacking tools fell into the Shadow Brokers’ possession. Those sources asked for anonymity due to sensitivity of the investigation. While investigators believe that a former insider is involved, the expansive probe also spans other possibilities, including the threat of a current intelligence community employee being connected to the mysterious group. The investigatory effort is being led by a combination of professionals from the FBI, National Counterintelligence and Security Center, and NSA’s internal policing group known as Q Group. It’s not clear if the former insider was once a contractor or in-house employee of the secretive […]

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A King’s Ransom It is Not

The first half of 2017 began with two intriguing ransomware events, both partly enabled by wormable exploit technology dumped by a group calling themselves “The ShadowBrokers”. These WannaCry and ExPetr ransomware events are the biggest in the sense that they spread the quickest and most effectively of known ransomware to date. Continue reading A King’s Ransom It is Not

June 28, 2017 – Hack Naked News #131

DoD networks have been compromised, the Shadow Brokers continue their exploits, a Pennsylvania healthcare system gets hit with Petya, and more. Jason Wood of Paladin Security joins us to discuss nations’ offensive technical strengths and defensive weaknesses on this episode of Hack Naked News! Doug’s Stories: — Shadowbrokers continue their exploits by planning to dox […]

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