Risk reduction redefined: How compromise assessment helps strengthen cyberdefenses

Kaspersky experts analyze cyberdefense weak points, including patch management, policy violations and MSSP issues, and real-world cases where compromise assessment helped detect and mitigate incidents. Continue reading Risk reduction redefined: How compromise assessment helps strengthen cyberdefenses

Summer Olympics: What IT Teams Need to Do Before & During the Event for Their Businesses

Remind employees to be wary of fake apps and too-good-to-be-true streaming options on the eve of the Games. Continue reading Summer Olympics: What IT Teams Need to Do Before & During the Event for Their Businesses

Privacy predictions 2023

We think the geopolitical and economic events of 2022, as well as new technological trends, will be the major factors influencing the privacy landscape in 2023. Here we take a look at the most important developments that, in our opinion, will affect online privacy in 2023. Continue reading Privacy predictions 2023

Policy trends: where are we today on regulation in cyberspace?

This is the first edition of our policy analysis and observations of trends in the regulation of cyberspace, and cybersecurity, within the Kaspersky Security Bulletin. Continue reading Policy trends: where are we today on regulation in cyberspace?

External attack surface and ongoing cybercriminal activity in APAC region

We analyze external threats for organizations in APAC region based on the data collected by Kaspersky Digital Footprint Intelligence service. Continue reading External attack surface and ongoing cybercriminal activity in APAC region

On the Irish Health Services Executive Hack

A detailed report of the 2021 ransomware attack against Ireland’s Health Services Executive lists some really bad security practices:

The report notes that:

  • The HSE did not have a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or a “single responsible owner for cybersecurity at either senior executive or management level to provide leadership and direction.
  • It had no documented cyber incident response runbooks or IT recovery plans (apart from documented AD recovery plans) for recovering from a wide-scale ransomware event.
  • Under-resourced Information Security Managers were not performing their business as usual role (including a NIST-based cybersecurity review of systems) but were working on evaluating security controls for the COVID-19 vaccination system. Antivirus software triggered numerous alerts after detecting Cobalt Strike activity but these were not escalated. (The antivirus server was later encrypted in the attack).

Continue reading On the Irish Health Services Executive Hack

Security Risks of Client-Side Scanning

Even before Apple made its announcement, law enforcement shifted their battle for backdoors to client-side scanning. The idea is that they wouldn’t touch the cryptography, but instead eavesdrop on communications and systems before encryption or after decryption. It’s not a cryptographic backdoor, but it’s still a backdoor — and brings with it all the insecurities of a backdoor.

I’m part of a group of cryptographers that has just published a paper discussing the security risks of such a system. (It’s substantially the same group that wrote a similar paper about …

Continue reading Security Risks of Client-Side Scanning