Modern SIEM Mysteries

Look outside, we are in 2020 (can anybody really forget that?). So, we are not in 2002 anymore (perhaps the birth year of modern-ish SIEM), neither are we in 2012…
So, depending on how you count, SIEM technology (and SIM/SEM before it) has e… Continue reading Modern SIEM Mysteries

So, Chronicle, Are You a SIEM?

With this post, I am about to answer the question everybody wants to know the answer for …
… is Chronicle a SIEM?
However, if you are impatient and need to get the answer right now, here it is: Chronicle can address many modern se… Continue reading So, Chronicle, Are You a SIEM?

Contrast Security Advances DevSecOps

Contrast Security this week added a Route Intelligence module to a Contrast Assess vulnerability assessment that automates the code scanning process. Surag Patel, chief strategy officer for Contrast Security, said Route Intelligence employs sensors in… Continue reading Contrast Security Advances DevSecOps

What is Physical Security?

What’s Physical Security? Ok, I’m just going to say it,  I’m a physical security guy in a IT security world.  So why physical security for IT? Easy, you can not have a secure network without a secure environment around it. &… Continue reading What is Physical Security?

BSidesCHarm 2018, Russell Mosley and Ryan St. Germain’s ‘Effective Monitoring For Operational Security’

The post BSidesCHarm 2018, Russell Mosley and Ryan St. Germain’s ‘Effective Monitoring For Operational Security’ appeared first on Security Boulevard.
Continue reading BSidesCHarm 2018, Russell Mosley and Ryan St. Germain’s ‘Effective Monitoring For Operational Security’