A Threat Intelligence Strategy Map: Connecting Technical Activities to Business Value

Despite ever-growing investments in security tools, the risk of a data breach remains unacceptably high. This is the starting point of a strong a business case for investing in threat intelligence.

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Does Your Security Awareness Program Put People First?

If people are the most important element of cybersecurity, why do many security awareness training programs fail to deliver the expected results?

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How to Optimize Security Awareness Training for Different Groups

The more relevant you can make security awareness training to your audience, the more likely you are to have higher engagement rates. But how can you optimize security training for different groups?

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5 Cyber Skills That Are Essential for the Security Industry’s Next Decade

The human aspect of security tools has not received nearly as much attention as the technological aspects. To get to a more secure future, we need more people with these five cyber skills.

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How to Improve Your Board’s Oversight of Digital Transformation Efforts

A recent National Association of Corporate Directors and Marsh & McLennan Companies report offered recommendations that CISOs can use to help their organizations manage digital transformation.

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How Security Can Lead in Cloud-Dependent Business Innovation

Organizations that have a security-first mindset are better prepared and better able to respond to security threats In the mid-to-late 1970s, the PC represented a major shift in the technological balance of power. It allowed small businesses to analyz… Continue reading How Security Can Lead in Cloud-Dependent Business Innovation

The Many Roles of the CISO as Viewed as ‘Star Trek’ Characters

Reading Time: 5 minutes The array of characters in the Star Trek world mimics the multifaceted role of today’s chief information security officer (CISO).

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The Many Dimensions of Effective CISO Leaders

Reading Time: 5 minutes Does your CISO have the leadership and business qualities necessary to drive effective management of cyber risks? Let’s explore four dimensions that CISOs must learn to master.

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5 IoT Security Conferences You Don’t Want to Miss

If you’re a CISO, you should consider attending an IoT security conference to learn from the leaders in the field about how to integrate IoT security into your threat management program.

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Rewrite the Rules to Reduce Complexity in Your Security Architecture

At RSAC 2019, Sridhar Muppidi and Devin Somppi implored vendors to “start looking at security as a team sport” and redouble their efforts to reduce complexity in their security architecture.

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