This Week in Security: OpenSSL Fizzle, Java XML, and Nothing As It Seems

The security world held our collective breaths early this week for the big OpenSSL vulnerability announcement. Turns out it’s two separate issues, both related to punycode handling, and they’ve been …read more Continue reading This Week in Security: OpenSSL Fizzle, Java XML, and Nothing As It Seems

Mastercard’s New Card: Safer From Quantum Attacks?

Quantum computers present a unique threat to many aspects of modern information technology. In particular, many cryptographic systems could be at risk of compromise in the event a malicious actor …read more Continue reading Mastercard’s New Card: Safer From Quantum Attacks?

This Week in Security: npm Timing Leak, Siemens Universal Key, and PHP in PNG

First up is some clever wizardry from the [Aqua Nautilus] research team, who discovered a timing attack that leaks information about private npm packages. The setup is this, npm hosts …read more Continue reading This Week in Security: npm Timing Leak, Siemens Universal Key, and PHP in PNG