3 Questions to Ask When You’re Ready to Operationalize Your Security

New global data from Checkmarx reveals that 92 percent of organizations struggle to implement security into DevOps — even though they say they want to. The heart of this issue is the common misconception that security slows things down, which lea… Continue reading 3 Questions to Ask When You’re Ready to Operationalize Your Security

3 SecOps Culture Hacks You Should Embrace Today

All types of organizations are embracing DevOps as a way to deliver work quickly and reliably. However, security sometimes falls by the wayside in favor of the desire to move fast. In fact, a recent Threat Stack survey shows that 52% of companies admit… Continue reading 3 SecOps Culture Hacks You Should Embrace Today

5 SecOps Processes to Try Today

DevOps has enabled businesses to bring products to market faster than ever before. But what about security? In our recent survey, Refocusing Security Operations in the Cloud Era, 36% of businesses said their top IT goal over the next year is to respond… Continue reading 5 SecOps Processes to Try Today

Creating Custom CloudTrail Rules in Threat Stack

The Threat Stack CloudTrail Base Ruleset has several out-of-the-box rules that alert users on activity within some of  AWS’s most popular services (also the ones most prone to attack), including S3, IAM, Glacier, and Lambda. We do this to su… Continue reading Creating Custom CloudTrail Rules in Threat Stack