60% of Canadians Fear Falling Victim to Fraud this Holiday Season, Scotiabank Survey Reveals

How likely is it to fall victim to fraud? As far as I’m aware, I personally have not purchased from a fraudulent site, but I have had my card details stolen in the past. Additionally, I remember years ago that while attempting to find a flat, I f… Continue reading 60% of Canadians Fear Falling Victim to Fraud this Holiday Season, Scotiabank Survey Reveals

spoofed Scotiabank Secure email communication delivers Trickbot banking Trojan

An email with the subject of Secure email communication pretending to come from ScotiaBank <Secure.Mail@scotiabankmail.com> with a malicious word doc attachment  delivers what looks like Trickbot banking Trojan They are using email addresses and subjects that will scare or entice a user to read the email and open the attachment. A very high proportion Continue reading → Continue reading spoofed Scotiabank Secure email communication delivers Trickbot banking Trojan