Outsourced System Management

The IT landscape has undergone a major overhaul since the turn of the century. It used to be that Microsoft® Windows® based systems were the vast majority in IT networks…
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Bitcoin exchange shuts down after being hacked twice in one year

A South Korean Bitcoin exchange has collapsed after suffering its second hack in less than a year. As The Telegraph reports, YouBit has announced that it suffered a hack at 04:35am local time today, which saw criminals steal 17% of its total assets. As… Continue reading Bitcoin exchange shuts down after being hacked twice in one year

Bitcoin Exchange Bids Adieu after Suffering Second Hack This Year

A Bitcoin exchange has announced it has filed for bankruptcy and will cease all operations after suffering its second hacking attack this year. On 19 December, South Korean exchange Youbit announced at 04:35 local time that bad actors had hacked its we… Continue reading Bitcoin Exchange Bids Adieu after Suffering Second Hack This Year

Trump administration officially blames North Korea for WannaCry attack

The United States has fingered North Korea as the culprits behind the devastating WannaCry cyber-attack that was unleashed in May, infecting more than 300,000 computers across 150 countries and causing billions of dollars’ worth of damages. &#822… Continue reading Trump administration officially blames North Korea for WannaCry attack

Pentester Academy Command Injection ISO: AjaXplorer 2.5.5 Exploitation

Introduction: The Pentester Academy has created a virtual machine that consists of various vulnerable real-world applications. These applications are vulnerable to the “Command Injection”…
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The po… Continue reading Pentester Academy Command Injection ISO: AjaXplorer 2.5.5 Exploitation

GCHQ Found — and Disclosed — a Windows 10 Vulnerability

Now this is good news. The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) — part of GCHQ — found a serious vulnerability in Windows Defender (their anti-virus component). Instead of keeping it secret and all of us vulnerable, it alerted Microsoft. I’d li… Continue reading GCHQ Found — and Disclosed — a Windows 10 Vulnerability