Chinese Exchange Hack: At Best, Microsoft is Incompetent

This week brought news of Chinese hackers attacking Microsoft Exchange. But why did Microsoft wait eight weeks to tell anyone?
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Unknown Hacker Grabs Gab’s Data, DDoSecrets Doesn’t Leak it

Gab has been hacked. The app fell “victim” to a simple SQL injection attack. But the CEO’s response was a trans-phobic slur.
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‘Dangerous’ RCE in VMware: Patch, or the Puppy Gets It

A really nasty remote code execution vulnerability is being exploited right now. VMware vCenter can be trivially broken into.
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Think Macs Don’t Get Malware? Think Again.

Researchers have discovered stealthy malware on many Macs. But nobody knows what its purpose is. It’s a mystery.
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SolarWinds Hack: ‘All is Well,’ Microsoft Shrugs

Microsoft would like you to know that it’s finished investigating the SolarWinds breach, and everything’s just fine. Yeah, right.
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Oracle is Said to Help China Find Dissidents and Jail Minorities

Oracle Corp. stands accused of selling analytics to Chinese police forces that’s being used to hunt down political dissidents and lock up Uyghur Muslims.
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Internal Leak of 4,887 Users: Yandex Employee Fate Unknown

Russian web titan Yandex NV suffered an insider breach: An employee was selling sensitive user data to anyone who would pay.
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Hackers Sell ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ Data and Source for Millions

Ransomware scrotes have followed through on their threat to auction off the data they stole from the maker of Cyberpunk 2077.
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Water Supply Poisoned by Hacker in Oldsmar, Fla.

A small municipal water supply was briefly tainted by a dangerous chemical: Another reminder of the risks of SCADA on the internet.
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Water Supply Poisoned by Hacker in Oldsmar, Fla.

A small municipal water supply was briefly tainted by a dangerous chemical: Another reminder of the risks of SCADA on the internet.
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