China Plans Its Own Megaconstellation To Challenge Starlink

Satellite internet used to be a woeful thing. Early networks relied on satellites in geostationary orbits, with high latency and minimal bandwidth keeping user demand low. That was until Starlink …read more Continue reading China Plans Its Own Megaconstellation To Challenge Starlink

The Great Euro Sat Hack Should Be a Warning to Us All

Military officials and civilian security researchers have been warning us for years: cyberattacks are becoming a very real part of modern warfare. Far from being limited to military targets, cyberattacks …read more Continue reading The Great Euro Sat Hack Should Be a Warning to Us All

A Brief History of Optical Communication

We live in the information age where access to the internet is considered a fundamental human right. Exercising this right does largely rely on the technological advances made in optical communication. Using light to send information has a long history: …read more

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Elon Musk Plans to Launch 4,425 Satellites to provide Global Internet from Space

Big tech companies, including Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, are in the race of bringing Internet connectivity to unconnected parts of the world through wireless devices, flying drones, high-altitude balloons, and laser beams.

But, SpaceX founder El… Continue reading Elon Musk Plans to Launch 4,425 Satellites to provide Global Internet from Space