Toilet-cleaning robot makes us feel better about all this AI business

It can really get us down watching as AIs learn to write music, poetry and technology news, but watching this clever autonomous toilet-bot mop up the bogs somehow makes it all worthwhile. It’s good to know robots are coming for the crappy jobs too.Cont… Continue reading Toilet-cleaning robot makes us feel better about all this AI business

First successful robotic liver transplant performed in the US

In an exciting step forward in surgery advances, the first liver transplant performed by a robot has successfully taken place in the US, as clinics plan to ramp up wider use of this innovative procedure.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: W… Continue reading First successful robotic liver transplant performed in the US

Transforming robot drives, flies, crawls, stands, tiptoes and tumbles

As much as a robot might excel at a certain mode of transport, as soon as conditions change it can become hopeless. Now engineers at Caltech have designed a new robot that can roll around on four wheels, flip them into rotors to fly, or transform for s… Continue reading Transforming robot drives, flies, crawls, stands, tiptoes and tumbles