Popping the Hood on the Flux Beamo Laser Cutter

While the K40 has brought affordable laser cutting to the masses, there’s no question that it took a lot of sacrifices to hit that sub-$400 price point. There’s a reason that we’ve seen so many upgrades and improvements made to the base model machine, but for the price it’s hard …read more

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Review: Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections

Kill Chain is an HBO documentary made and produced by Simon Arizzone, Russell Michaels and Sarah Teale. Kill Chain: Inside the documentary Arizzone and Michaels already worked on a documentary in 2006 called Hacking Democracy, which was about uncoverin… Continue reading Review: Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections

Review: Cybersecurity – Attack and Defense Strategies

Yuri Diogenes, a professor at EC-Council University and Senior Program Manager at Microsoft, and Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, a prominent cybersecurity professional, advisor, author, speaker and lecturer, published the second edition of their acclaimed book “Cybe… Continue reading Review: Cybersecurity – Attack and Defense Strategies

Email security: Is it any good against hackers?

World’s first in-depth, public test of security services vs. targeted attacks.
This email security test report is the product of two years of advanced threat research. We have worked with the security companies themselves and with their customers. We h… Continue reading Email security: Is it any good against hackers?

Review: Specops Key Recovery

Mobile device use continues to grow, while an increasingly mobile and remote workforce depends heavily on laptops. To secure those devices, organizations need to implement client-side security controls. One of the more pressing risks linked to the use … Continue reading Review: Specops Key Recovery

Review: SanErYiGo SH72 Soldering Iron

When the Miniware TS100 first emerged from China nearly three years ago, it redefined what we could expect from a soldering iron at an affordable price. The lightweight DC-powered temperature controlled iron brought usable power and advanced features in a diminutive package that was easy in the hand, a combination …read more

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Review: Testdriving LibrePCB Shows That It’s Growing Up Fast

There are a host of PCB CAD tools at the disposal of the electronic designer from entry-level to multi-thousand-dollar workstation software. It’s a field in which most of the players are commercial, and for the open-source devotee there have traditionally been only two choices. Both KiCad and gEDA are venerable …read more

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Review: Enzoic for Active Directory

Seemingly every day news drops that a popular site with millions of users had been breached and its user database leaked online. Almost without fail, attackers try to use those leaked user credentials on other sites, making password stuffing one of the… Continue reading Review: Enzoic for Active Directory