Walk It Off, Healing Robots

For many of us, our first robots, or technical projects, were flimsy ordeals built with cardboard, duct tape, and high hopes. Most of us grow past that scene, and we learn to work supplies which require more than a pair of kitchen scissors. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and Iowa State University have made a material which goes beyond durable, it can heal itself when wounded. To a small robot, a standard hole puncher is a dire assailant, but the little guy in the video after the break keeps hopping around despite a couple of new piercings.

The researcher’s goal …read more

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Microsoft Brings Resilient Change Tracking (RCT) in Windows Server 2016

Microsoft finally brings a long-awaited feature in Windows Server 2016 that enables native change block tracking. Learn how it helps you dramatically save storage space and reduce the risks of VM failure.

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