Croak it: Female frogs fake death to avoid sex with unappealing males

In the wild world of nature, where an organism’s sole aim is to succeed at passing on their genes at any cost, it’s not surprising many species have aggressive, and even deadly, mating behaviors.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Frogs, Re… Continue reading Croak it: Female frogs fake death to avoid sex with unappealing males

Sexy mice help scientists uncover the drivers behind male libido

Scientists say they’ve uncovered the neural circuitry behind desire that is responsible for sex drive, behavior and reward.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Stanford University, Sex, Reproduction, Neural Network, Neuroscience, Brain stimu… Continue reading Sexy mice help scientists uncover the drivers behind male libido

Virgin birth at Cambridge thanks to genetically modified fruit flies

By decoding a genetic process responsible for asexual reproduction, researchers induced virgin births for the first time in a normally sexual fruit fly species. It was then discovered that the remarkable trait was passed down to all of the flies’ daugh… Continue reading Virgin birth at Cambridge thanks to genetically modified fruit flies

“Virgin birth” seen in a crocodile suggests dinosaurs could also go solo

Scientists have observed the first known “virgin birth” in crocodiles. A female crocodile, kept alone in captivity for 16 years, laid a clutch of eggs that included a fully formed fetus which was genetically identical to its mother. The find reveals th… Continue reading “Virgin birth” seen in a crocodile suggests dinosaurs could also go solo

Hope for humans in naked mole-rat’s age-defying fertility

Once again naked mole-rats have dealt scientists an exciting blow, with new research suggesting their anomalies in mammalian reproduction could hold the key to preserving human fertility.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Fertility, Reprod… Continue reading Hope for humans in naked mole-rat’s age-defying fertility

Experts divided over new study claiming global sperm counts are plummeting

A striking meta-study published in 2017 reported a 50% decline in the average male sperm count since the 1970s. A newly published follow-up investigation, including more data from more countries, is suggesting that decline in sperm counts may be accele… Continue reading Experts divided over new study claiming global sperm counts are plummeting

Crustaceans found to fertilize seaweed like bees pollinate plants

It has long been known that insects such as bees help plants reproduce, by spreading pollen from one plant to another. Now, however, a similar arrangement has been discovered in the undersea world – involving red algae and tiny crustaceans.Continue Rea… Continue reading Crustaceans found to fertilize seaweed like bees pollinate plants