Inputs of Interest: the Svalboard Could Be Your Salvation

You know, sometimes dreams really do come true. When I told you about the DataHand keyboard almost four years ago, I never imagined I’d ever get to lay my hands …read more Continue reading Inputs of Interest: the Svalboard Could Be Your Salvation

Avoiding Repetitive Stress Injury: Invest in Yourself Now, Or Pay Later

There I was, thirty years after I first sat down at an Apple IIe , and I suddenly found myself wondering if I would ever use a computer again without …read more Continue reading Avoiding Repetitive Stress Injury: Invest in Yourself Now, Or Pay Later

Avoiding Repetitive Stress Injury: Invest in Yourself Now, Or Pay Later

There I was, thirty years after I first sat down at an Apple IIe , and I suddenly found myself wondering if I would ever use a computer again without …read more Continue reading Avoiding Repetitive Stress Injury: Invest in Yourself Now, Or Pay Later

Inputs of Interest: My First Aggressively Ergonomic Keyboard

Ever since my RSI surgery, I’ve had to resort to using what I call my compromise keyboard — a wireless rubber dome affair with a gentle curvature to the keys. It’s far from perfect, but it has allowed me to continue to type when I thought I wouldn’t be able …read more

Continue reading Inputs of Interest: My First Aggressively Ergonomic Keyboard