Democrats press Google to overhaul data location practices to protect abortion-seekers

“Google cannot allow its online advertising-focused digital infrastructure to be weaponized against women,” the lawmakers write.

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Critics slam cyber hygiene bill as redundant, confusing

A new bill that would direct federal scientists to come up with a short list of cybersecurity best practices for consumers, businesses and federal agencies is sparking concern from some observers, who fret it will reinvent the wheel, create confusion, and fail to be effective because best practices are widely ignored. The bill, which has bicameral and bipartisan support, would mandate scientists at the National Institute for Standards and Technology to partner with the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Trade Commission in order to create concise, voluntary guidelines for basic online security measures, dubbed “cyber-hygiene.” Critics say they are already several existing lists of best practices, including the Top 20 and Top 5 Security Controls list maintained by the non-profit Center for Internet Security. “I am all for improving hygiene, but this bill will have no positive impact and because it will create another set of  ‘best practices’ [and] it […]

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Bipartisan bill tells NIST to develop ‘cyber-hygiene’ guide for public, businesses

Federal scientists at the National Institute for Standards and Technology would be tasked — in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Trade Commission — to develop concise voluntary guidelines for basic online security measures, called cyber-hygiene, under a new bipartisan bill introduced in both chambers of Congress. The bill would also mandate DHS to investigate the cybersecurity risks posed by the burgeoning number of small, cheap devices connected to the web as part of the mushrooming internet of things or IoT. In the Senate, S.1475 — “A bill to provide for the identification and documentation of best practices for cyber hygiene by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and for other purposes” — was introduced Thursday by Republican Orin Hatch of Utah, chairman of the powerful Finance Committee, and Democrat Ed Markey of Massachusetts, a veteran of tech-policy debates. The House version, HR.3010, the Promoting Good Cyber Hygiene Act […]

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Chinese IoT Firm Siphoned Text Messages, Call Records

A Chinese technology firm has been siphoning text messages and call records from cheap Android-based mobile smart phones and secretly sending the data to servers in China, researchers revealed this week. The revelations came the same day the White House and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued sweeping guidelines aimed at building security into Internet-connected devices, and just hours before a key congressional panel sought recommendations from industry in regulating basic security standards for so-called “Internet of Things” devices. Continue reading Chinese IoT Firm Siphoned Text Messages, Call Records

Chinese IoT Firm Siphoned Text Messages, Call Records

A Chinese technology firm has been siphoning text messages and call records from cheap Android-based mobile smart phones and secretly sending the data to servers in China, researchers revealed this week. The revelations came the same day the White House and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued sweeping guidelines aimed at building security into Internet-connected devices, and just hours before a key congressional panel sought recommendations from industry in regulating basic security standards for so-called “Internet of Things” devices. Continue reading Chinese IoT Firm Siphoned Text Messages, Call Records