Secure Messaging and Student Health During COVID – 19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant negative impact on college students’ mental health. While students’ mental health is already a concern for universities – 40% of undergraduates reported feeling depressed within the last 12 … Continue reading Secure Messaging and Student Health During COVID – 19

SaaS Adoption Eliminates Visibility Into and Control Over Users’ Web Browsing Behavior

We’ve been talking a lot recently about how changing work habits will disrupt enterprise security in 2020. Workers are becoming increasingly mobile, and enterprises continue to move mission-critical systems to the cloud. The problem is that … Continue reading SaaS Adoption Eliminates Visibility Into and Control Over Users’ Web Browsing Behavior

Sophisticated COVID-19–Based Phishing Attacks Leverage PDF Attachments and SaaS to Bypass Defenses

Menlo Security has detected a sophisticated, multi-stage attack leveraging the current COVID-19 pandemic. Our data has shown that COVID-19–based attacks are much more successful than typical phishing attacks. The global pandemic is literally… Continue reading Sophisticated COVID-19–Based Phishing Attacks Leverage PDF Attachments and SaaS to Bypass Defenses

2020 Will Be the Year That SaaS Breaks Enterprise Security

There’s no doubt that the web is now the most important business tool for users. Critical systems such as ERP, CRM, collaboration and communication platforms, customer-facing apps, and other business tools that were once on-prem are moving t… Continue reading 2020 Will Be the Year That SaaS Breaks Enterprise Security

The Benefits of Remote Work Beyond Avoiding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Public health officials are advising people to working remotely, if they can, as one way to avoid contracting Coronavirus and #flattenthecurve. We hope those that can work remotely, do. Yet, for many, working from home is a novel experience.
Here … Continue reading The Benefits of Remote Work Beyond Avoiding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

A Wireless Controller for the Mostly Printed CNC

The Mostly Printed CNC (MPCNC) is an impressive project in its own right, allowing anyone with a 3D printer and some electrical conduit to build their own fairly heavy-duty CNC platform perfect for routing. Customization is the name of the game with the MPCNC, and few machines will look the …read more

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Handheld MQTT Remote for Home Automation

If you’re working on a home automation project, you’re probably knee-deep into MQTT by now. If not, you should be. The lightweight messaging protocol is an ideal choice for getting your “Things” on the Internet, and controlling them all can be done easily through a simple web interface or an …read more

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Cloned Gate Remote Does It (Slightly) Better

Ever make something just to see if you could? Yeah, we thought so. [serverframeworks] wanted to see if he could clone the remote that opens his neighborhood gate, inspired by the long distance ding-dong-ditch efforts of [Samy Kamkar].

This clone uses an ATtiny85 and an RF module to emulate and …read more

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File Systems for Tiny Devices

Sometimes you build a computer and use it every day. Sometimes you build a different type of computer and it sits alone on a mountaintop for years. The design considerations for these two setups are remarkably different, right down to the type of file system used. For small computers like …read more

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