How to completely restrict Steam in Linux to defend against remote zero day exploits?

My question is, how can i completely restrict Steam’s processes and modules to only have access to what they suppose to, and not be able to do anything malicious, for example running bin/sh or accessing files that it shouldn’t?
Basically, … Continue reading How to completely restrict Steam in Linux to defend against remote zero day exploits?

Attempting remote code execution, why does this php webshell code fail with single quotes?

In working on a vulnerable box, I found a field in a database table where one can insert php code. Based on this exploit:
I tried to use this code to make a php webshell:
?php $cmd=$_GET[‘cmd’];sy… Continue reading Attempting remote code execution, why does this php webshell code fail with single quotes?

RubySMB::Error::CommunicationError: Read timeout expired when reading from the Socket (timeout=30)

I’ve been playing around with the EternalBlue exploit recently. I’ve downloaded a Windows 10 iso file from 2016 and used it to set up a Windows 10 Pro VM as my sandbox. I also ran the nmap script and metasploit scanner module to ensure tha… Continue reading RubySMB::Error::CommunicationError: Read timeout expired when reading from the Socket (timeout=30)