Zoom in crisis: How to respond and manage product security incidents

Zoom is in crisis mode, facing grave and very public concerns regarding the trust in management’s commitment for secure products, the respect for user privacy, the honesty of its marketing, and the design decisions that preserve a positive user experie… Continue reading Zoom in crisis: How to respond and manage product security incidents

Safe Remote Access to Critical Infrastructure Networks in a Time of Global Crisis

As operators struggle to balance the recommendations of social distancing with the need to keep vital services functioning, there is no getting around the fact that conventional remote connections into industrial control networks are a very bad idea. Continue reading Safe Remote Access to Critical Infrastructure Networks in a Time of Global Crisis

Lock Down Personal Smart Devices to Improve Enterprise IoT Security

Connecting remotely is about more than a strong Wi-Fi password and VPN. Be sure to understand and manage the risks of smart devices in your home to bolster personal and enterprise IoT security.

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5 Security  Mistakes Your Remote Team is Making Right Now

Businesses across the globe are now facing a new reality: working from home. Secure remote access to company resources has never been more prevalent or more essential; teams are shifting from the office to their living rooms in droves to keep each oth… Continue reading 5 Security  Mistakes Your Remote Team is Making Right Now

Choosing between Virtual Private Network and Zero Trust Remote Access Solutions

As we enter a time of crisis that will see a significant number of employees asked to work from home, organizations need to provide effective but secure remote access to corporate resources. The tried and tested virtual private network (VPN) might seem like the obvious choice. But so called ‘zero trust’ is gaining popularity and could surpass traditional VPN access.

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Dealing With Viruses, Computer and Biological

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are increasingly calling on employees to work from home. Hospitals, clinics and doctor’s offices are preparing for massive numbers of infections, not only of patients but also healthcare workers. College… Continue reading Dealing With Viruses, Computer and Biological

Keeping Systems Safe From Third Parties

Vendors. Supply chain partners. Third parties. Contractors. All are different names for entities that might need access to your corporate networks and systems. But they have one important thing in common: They are outsiders to your company. We are sup… Continue reading Keeping Systems Safe From Third Parties

CamuBot Resurfaces With Cross-Channel, Targeted Attacks in Brazil

Recent CamuBot activity resurfaced exactly one year after IBM X-Force researchers made the initial discovery of this malware in September 2018.

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Emotet remains the dark market leader for delivery-as-a-service

The vast majority of nationally sponsored cybersecurity incidents take the form of espionage through data exfiltration, with frequent employment of remote access tool Plug-X, according to the annual threat report by eSentire. Emotet is the leader The r… Continue reading Emotet remains the dark market leader for delivery-as-a-service

How Unified Policy Management Can Enable Business Flexibility, Productivity and Security

Unified policy management that is integrated both horizontally and vertically can enable better flexibility, productivity and security benefits.

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