Remote Work Pushes Brute-Force Attacks Higher

The widespread switch to work-from-home arrangements around the globe means employees are working offsite at unprecedented levels. It’s also prompted cybercriminals to find additional targets to exploit. We have heard for months about an increase in t… Continue reading Remote Work Pushes Brute-Force Attacks Higher

Surge in unique clients reporting brute-force attack attempts

There’s a significant uptick in the number of unique clients who have reported brute-force attack attempts, ESET reveals. Trend of RDP attack attempts against unique clients (per day) detected by ESET The trend has been observed since the onset o… Continue reading Surge in unique clients reporting brute-force attack attempts

4 Ways to Keep Company Data Secure During WFH

Military personnel talk about how dangerous life can be outside the wire. But what about your organization’s employees working from home—from outside the wall, as it were—during the coronavirus pandemic? Your employees probably aren’t in any sort of i… Continue reading 4 Ways to Keep Company Data Secure During WFH

How to Manage Connections with Remote Desktop Connection Manager

One of the most popular tools for managing multiple remote desktop connections has been the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager.

The post How to Manage Connections with Remote Desktop Connection Manager appeared first on Petri.

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8 Best Practices for Secure Remote Work Access

As more and more employees have transitioned to working remotely, the cybersecurity threats that their organizations face have changed. While…
The post 8 Best Practices for Secure Remote Work Access appeared first on Siemplify.
The post 8 Best Practi… Continue reading 8 Best Practices for Secure Remote Work Access

Distributed Offices Pose Our Next Great Challenge

A new model of working must emerge — and will be closely related to how technically adapted to lockdown companies were in the first place.
The post Distributed Offices Pose Our Next Great Challenge appeared first on Radware Blog.
The post Distributed… Continue reading Distributed Offices Pose Our Next Great Challenge

Remote work in the time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has, in one broad swipe, rewritten the rules regarding our workforce and jobs, with an almost instantaneous transition to remote work for those who were able to. While certain jobs require physical presence, a number of jobs fortu… Continue reading Remote work in the time of COVID-19

Shift Your Cybersecurity Mindset to Maintain Cyber Resilience

As the business world navigates the ups and downs of today’s economy, a mindset shift will be required to maintain cyber resilience.

The post Shift Your Cybersecurity Mindset to Maintain Cyber Resilience appeared first on Security Intelligence.

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