An advanced group specializing in corporate espionage is on a hacking spree

A Russian-speaking hacking group specializing in corporate espionage has targeted 26 commercial organizations since 2018 in attempts to steal vast amounts of data from the private sector, according to new findings. At least 14 of the 26 companies that the group targeted in fact were breached, according to research published Thursday by the security firm Group-IB, which has offices in Moscow in Singapore. The hacking group, dubbed RedCurl, stole confidential corporate documents including contracts, financial documents, employee records and legal records. Victims spanned a range of industries — including construction, finance, retail and law — with headquarters in Russia, Ukraine, the U.K., Canada, Germany and Norway. RedCurl relies on hacking techniques similar to groups known as RedOctober and CloudAtlas, another Russian-speaking group that’s targeted multiple entities and government networks “primarily in Russia,” according to the MITRE Corp.’s database of hacking groups. The Russian security vendor Kaspersky previously published its own […]

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