Cardboard boxes could be upcycled into EPS foam alternative

Thanks to the popularity of online shopping, an increasing number of goods are being shipped to buyers in cardboard boxes filled with eco-unfriendly EPS (expanded polystyrene) foam. Soon, however, such boxes could be upcycled into a greener alternative… Continue reading Cardboard boxes could be upcycled into EPS foam alternative

Eco-friendly insulation would put rice husks and newspapers in our walls

Although various uses for post-harvest rice husk waste are being explored, the stuff is still usually either incinerated, dumped in landfills, or at best composted. Soon, however, rice husks may be combined with discarded newspapers to form eco-friendl… Continue reading Eco-friendly insulation would put rice husks and newspapers in our walls

Heaps of pharmaceuticals, toxic chemicals found in recycled plastics

While the use of recycled plastics is normally considered a noble endeavor, a new study says it’s time to think twice. In an analysis of the material from more than 10 different countries, hundreds of potentially harmful chemicals were uncovered.Contin… Continue reading Heaps of pharmaceuticals, toxic chemicals found in recycled plastics

Full-carbon Holocene Superbike is made from leftover sailboat scraps

Carbon fiber has some amazing qualities, but easy recyclability isn’t one of them. New Zealand based manufacturer Vélos Advancements is nonetheless using carbon fiber waste in the production of its limited-run high-end road bike, the Holocene Superbike… Continue reading Full-carbon Holocene Superbike is made from leftover sailboat scraps

Reducing Poop on Multicolor Prints

While multicolor printing eliminates painting steps and produces vibrant objects, there are two significant downsides; filament consumption and print time. A single-nozzle filament printer needs to switch from one color …read more Continue reading Reducing Poop on Multicolor Prints

Ultraviolet light could hold the key to recycling disposable diapers

Disposable diapers are a huge source of global waste, largely because they’re difficult to recycle. A new process, however, could salvage the “superabsorber” polymer utilized in the liners of those diapers – and yes, even if they’re soiled.Continue Rea… Continue reading Ultraviolet light could hold the key to recycling disposable diapers

reProLeather recycling tech could bring new, green life to old leather

So-called “bonded leather” is really just leather fibers mixed with eco-unfriendly polyurethane or polyvinyl chloride. reProLeather, on the other hand, converts leather waste into what is claimed to be a recyclable, biodegradable, new-leather-like mate… Continue reading reProLeather recycling tech could bring new, green life to old leather